
Monday Nov 02, 2020
58. A Great Day for a Great Day
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Our guest is Adam Bruchetta, a law student at Dalhousie Law School. Adam decided to go to law school on the opposite coast from where he normally resides in Vancouver. He says he chose the ocean over the mountains of Calgary. Richard also went to Dal, so he and Adam have much in common. Adam and Felicity also have something in common because they met at a Dal Welcome Event for incoming law students -- Felicity was offered a spot at Dal but chose Osgoode. She is keen to assuage students who agonize over decisions about schools (not mentioning that some may not have options!) by saying they are all good in their own way.
Every March Dal hosts this event to win over potential students; Felicity suggests people on other admissions committees should think about doing the same thing.
Richard and Adam share stories about Dal, the Newfoundlanders that go there, and the East Coast mentality where strangers are more open and friendly. Richard agrees, although his only near-fight in his life took place on his second night in Halifax and to this day he's not sure how that happened.
The three discuss law school "social societies" as they are colloquially known. Domus, or house of the law, is Dal's social society, where students get together for drinks. Adam has a near-perfect record for making the Thursday night drinking (hisonly miss was for articling recruitment). Felicity thinks that Adam's approach exemplifies Dalhousie Law School. They all wonder what may happen to these during the pandemic. Adam ends with an aphorism that in unequaled in the podcast so far: "it’s a great day to have a great day". Enough said.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Our guest this episode is Erin McCrady, a friend of Felicity's and also the game of Quidditch. Erin is a 3L student at Northeastern University School of Law (or NUSOL) in Boston.
Before we even get to that, however, when Richard asks Felicity how she is, her reply is "same old steel." Turns out, that's a saying from her contracts prof at Osgoode, John McCamus. Richard then asks for her favourite contracts case: like many students, Felicity remembers the facts but not the name. Hopefully a viewer will set us straight on that.
Erin talks about being a law student in the US. Richard asks the blunt question as to whether Erin's profs are anti-Trump. Erin thinks they'd discuss him at length if they didn't have to cover regular class material, and not necessarily favourably. She mentions one prof who occasionally rants, and another who set aside time to have students explain what's happening in the country by getting them to present a legal news story. Richard wants to probe further, asking if any profs are pro-Trump. Erin says NUSOL is public interest focused, so it's likely not a law school that would be attractive to Trump supporters.
In discussing a choice of law school, Felicity says its much less of a big deal to agonize over choosing law school. "Just pull the trigger" is her advice. Since most law schools share a belief in the rule of law and justice, both Erin and Felicity struggle with why any law student (or prof) would be, or remain, a Trump supporter. Felicity thinks it would be hard to have an intellectually challenging discussion with someone who is so different (editor's note: in other words, we are lucky to be in Canada.)
Changing topics, Richard wonders whether the Socratic method is more common in the U.S. Erin thinks it may be, but only her civil procedure prof did so. NUSOL doesn't have class rankings, and opportunities for its students are not dependent on rank, so there's a little less pressure. Moreover, they don't have a curve, just honorifics -- High Honours, Honours, Pass, Marginal Pass, and Fail (thus leading to the slogan "MPs get degrees"). Interestingly, their transcripts contain a professor's narrative description of what each student is like, much as with report cards in grade school. There is also a private section on their transcripts that the public cannot see, which helps with feedback and comes in handy for jobs, as it's as if the transcript contains a mini letter of recommendation. Felicity thinks this should be a change to adopt in Canada, and that WLGTDWI will, henceforth, be the source for suggesting these kinds of creative changes to Canadian law schools.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do With It
by Tina Turner
Soundcloud: What's Love Got to Do with It
More Perfect Podcast: https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/radiolabmoreperfect

Monday Oct 19, 2020
56. A Dean for all Students
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Felicity announces that she now has her dog back, so everything starts off on a good note. Our guest this episode is Professor Karen Drake, Associate Dean Students at Osgoode. The gang spends a lot of time on Karen's choice of favourite law-related show because Karen tends to avoid them, in part because law is her job. In the end, she chooses Trailer Park Boys as her favourite, which provokes discussion about how she uses it in her Property Law exams. Felicity, having had Karen as a professor, was not surprised by the choice. Karen spends more time than any previous guest explaining why she chose the way she did, highlighting why she is a professor. Richard asks Felicity how Trailer Park Boys relates to law, and she recalls an example from an exam fact pattern. Karen gives her an A+ for the answer.
Karen elaborates on her role as Associate Dean, and how the nature of the role has changed somewhat during the pandemic. Felicity and Richard try to help by being especially nice to Karen during the podcast. Felicity is curious as to whether Karen had ideas for the role that now can't be realized due to the pandemic. There were some, but she was able to conduct some student surveys that have helped in gaining information. Richard recommends all law schools try and initiate an Associate Dean Students role, but Felicity reminds that our limited audience may not have the leverage to force such changes. Finally, Karen discusses the Academic Success sessions that she oversees; the need for empirical evidence led her to Stanford Psychology Professor Carol Dweck's work on growth mindset vs fixed mindset, and so Karen is trying to get students to adopt the former as a way of coping with law school.
Richard and Karen share teaching experiences, especially of 1L classes. Karen laments how she does miss teaching as her role as Associate Dean limits how much of that she can do. Felicity is amused that we are both pulling back the curtain revealing professorial secrets. The group ends by examining an aspect of law school that Karen likes, but that she wasn't aware of until now. Turns out it is the idea and practice of collegial governance that has been a revelation. Who would have known?!
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do With It
by Tina Turner
Soundcloud: What's Love Got to Do with It
Link to fs blogpost on Carol Dweck's work: https://fs.blog/2015/03/carol-dweck-mindset/

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
55. Mature Students Rule!
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Felicity starts off her first co-hosting duties by claiming that she'd be going to class if it weren't for the pandemic; Richard is thankful she's not starting off in Adam's shoes. The guest this episode is Rachael Glassman, 3L student who before law school, worked for 10 years in the film and TV industry.
Rachael describes how her experience scheduling TV shows helped at the very beginning of law school because she organized her entire Section's schedule on Google calendar - Felicity, who was in Rachael's section, loved Rachael's maternal instincts, she "cared". Rachael found that there was a big transition to go to law school after spending time working professionally. Rachael's one big concern entering law school was that she had forgotten how to study and write exams. This was particularly true in her case because in film studies there were no exams. Richard, trying to find out more about his new co-host, since he didn't know what Felicity did before law school, finds out she did what she calls a useless master's degree in physiotherapy.
Rachael had friends who were lawyers, so she was able to meet some alumni before attending and got good advice. She has tried to shape her career based on some of that early advice. In fact, her former boss was a former student of Richard's, who also went from TV/film to law school, then back to TV where he now negotiates contracts to purchase TV shows. Felicity wonders if it was easier for Rachael to choose a law school that is in the same town she worked. Rachael says she chose Osgoode because her own support system was here. The three discuss whether that would make the transition easier or not, because sometimes it can be good to completely uproot and move to somewhere new.
Rachael mentions a Rolodex at the end of the podcast. Richard isn't even sure she or Felicity know what they are, but he remembers having one when he first got out of law school.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do With It
by Tina Turner
Soundcloud: What's Love Got to Do with It

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
54. Adam's Closing Submissions
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Felicity Radan, a 3L student at Osgoode. Felicity's favourite film is the biopic, "On the Basis of Sex" which Adam knows nothing about except he's intrigued by the title. Now that he's leaving, Adam admits that he's never watched any of the guests' recommendations except "Training Day," which confused him, whereas Richard tries to watch them all.
Adam had an idea of a topic for the podcast which is how to oust a co-host who's been involved since the beginning and that leads to the three of them bungling up the big announcement -- but basically it is revealed that Felicity Radan is taking over Adam's chair.
Felicity admits to only listening to half of the WLGTDWI episodes so far, although that's good enough, she says, for her to learn what not to do. Adam wants to know what Felicity is REALLY like. Is she a scared law student, a "try hard", or a social person. Felicity says she was the student who was scared of being scared of things. She found her footing when she wrote her first exams. Adam is worried that no one will identify with her, but is relieved when she says she needs to stress cry every so often. In the end, Adam feels that the podcast is in good hands.
Before leaving, Adam promises to continue to listen to the podcast. He then promises to open up a Facebook group so he can stay involved, and listener questions can be posted, since the old-fashioned voicemail line was actually not working for many months. Will this be just like his promise to do his readings? Or will the enterprising Adam step up? Time will tell.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Monday Sep 21, 2020
53. Where's Adam?
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by NOBODY again in this episode of WLGTDWI. The topic of this podcast is best not revealed in the notes, as it's too painful. Just listen.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Monday Sep 21, 2020
52. Law School Forums Lie
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Jeremy Nason (Zooming in from New Brunswick). Adam comes up with a Criminal Code provision dealing with "creep capturers." No one knows if he's making stuff up. Jeremy names a TV show, How to Get Away with Murder and a movie, A Time to Kill. Adam recommends Goliath. Not sure why but then Richard then jumps on the bandwagon and recommends All Rise, which is not well-received.
Jeremy describes how his law school experience was impossible to prepare for as nothing he read or heard was accurate: law school forums lie. The ways of learning before law school, and the way you think before law school were different; classmates were different but they all have the same goal. His highlight, unexpectedly, was the support systems that law schools have. He had no idea that everyone would care! Richard wonders whether he should read the law school forums. Adam thinks that this podcast takes the place of any forum.
Asked to find some problem with law school, Jeremy critiques the false importance of some aspects. Richard thinks that’s a teaching technique. Adam felt same way, as law school was initially a life or death struggle, but then realized that one thing you have to learn is to get comfortable with those he calls catastrophizers (Richard should have commented that there's no such word). Adam, upon further reflection, thinks students need to go through the catastrophe thinking, but develop an immunity to it eventually.
Jeremy wonders if COVID was divine intervention as it definitely helped put things in perspective. In terms of the coming year, Jeremy feels remote learning may not be ideal, but there are ways to make it work. In answer to Adam's last question as to what unorthodox study habits he has, Jeremy discusses how he would quiz himself or talk to concepts through while walking around as it helped focus his mind. A treadmill in every library would allow for more of this.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
51. Trust Me
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined again by Kali Dimitrakoudis, who recently finished 1L at Osgoode Hall Law School. She nominates How to Get Away With Murder as her favourite this time (which Richard finds appallingly unrealistic).
Adam is studying for Bar Ad exams while social distancing and Richard laments that they are all remote from each other. Adam and Kali go on about the Socratic method and cold-calling again, as Kali has a near "sister act" going on with Sabah, relating her experience in Criminal law class. Kali says she trusted Richard because of listening to the podcast before she began law school.
Adam researched quickly while recording the podcast and found a provision in the Assisted Human Reproduction Act and learned you can’t do the gametes thing in Canada. He relates it to the Handmaid’s Tale but it means he admits he has no questions for Kali. All of them discuss doing extra-curricular activities at law school: Kali went to the national negotiation competition in New Brunswick, and they discuss the importance of negotiation in law. Adam talks about his attending the Canadian Client Competition in Edmonton and both of them talk about the bonding that occurs during these types of competitions. Richard explains how he was in the only year at his law school – in its entire 100+ years of existence – that did not have a moot program, so he never got involved in mooting or other forms of oral advocacy.
They discuss course selection, a highlight of the summer term for law students. Adam “crushed” his course selection because he thought it was a competition. Kali decides to let Adam make her course selections for her. They finish off by figuring out how one can maximize their course selection.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do With It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Saturday Aug 22, 2020
50. Cold Calls & Cannibals
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Saturday Aug 22, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Sabah Kalim, a returning guest who recently finished 1L at Osgoode Hall Law School. Sabah contemplates whether she’s now a 2L or not; Adam compares the switchover to a birthday. Paper Chase is nominated as her favourite movie (which takes Richard aback given its age); she relates how first class in Criminal law students were “cold-called” upon just like in the movie; Sabah admits she wouldn’t have known the facts of the case so is glad she wasn’t the chosen one.
The group discusses the pandemic and how it will change law school; Adam talks about double uncertainty for the process of finding a job; Richard doesn’t know what he’s talking about but Sabah seems to understand. They chat about online examinations. Richard talks about redesigning his course (which he doesn’t want to be held accountable for, since his thoughts were expressed in early May!)
Sabah talks about her varsity athletic career and how she viewed that as a law student; Adam has only used the term “varsity” three times in his life. Sabah admits that her extracurriculars at law school included being on Angelica’s 22 Minute Workout on One TV. Adam tasks Sabah with developing a workout routine for the podcast
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Saturday Aug 15, 2020
49. Getting Involved - YMMV
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Saturday Aug 15, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Viktor Hohlacov, who recently finished 1L at Osgoode Hall Law School. Adam finds a criminal code provision - defence of property - that is controversial and possibly ill-drafted. Adam has gone back in time and about to enter law school. Adam, Richard and Vik continue the existential question of when 1L ends and a new moniker begins. Adam realizes what question to ask a student who has just finished first year. Vik claims law school is the most challenging and rewarding thing he’s done. The group discuss getting involved in extra curricular activities.
All engage in a lengthy discussion about student government. Richard doesn’t realize that Vik has NOT BEEN on student government, but WILL BE on student government next year. Vik notes the amount of readings required for law school is significant, and how it may be different between first and second semester. Adam disagrees, even though he has yet to go to law school (at least in his time traveller mode). Pub nights were a highlight for Vik; Adam wonders if faculty have a pub night. Isolation naturally lends itself to discussion about haircuts. Richard tells the story of getting his haircut with horse clippers while a law student
Richard asks for advice teaching Criminal law by Zoom; Vik explains how just showing crimes happening in the streets of Toronto may be beneficial. Adam’s final question asks Vik to give a unique study strategy from his 1L.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
48. JD/MBA 1L* - *Asterisks on Asterisks
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Conor Fitzgerald, a 1L student at Osgoode Hall Law School enrolled in the Joint JD/MBA Program. Conor talks about his unique background and his pursuit of the joint MBA/JD program***. Conor was part of the Arts, Media and Entertainment program at Schulich, where he was exposed to 1Ls before 1L. The group talk about the rhythm of law school. Conor reflects on coming into law school knowing how to fail. Richard and Conor talk about their class without jokes before Conor reveals a deep hatred (kidding) for Richard's classes.
Check out Conor's Projects:
Bygone Theatre https://www.bygonetheatre.com/
The Toronto Independent Theatre Coalition https://www.thetitc.ca/
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Sunday Jul 05, 2020
47. High School is Wasted on the Young
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Sunday Jul 05, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Kaliopi Dimitrakoudis, who recently finished her first year at Osgoode Hall Law School.
Adam asks about ride or dies. Richard wonders, if law school is like high school, then is he a high school teacher. Adam shouts out Ovais. Kali reflects on her first year. She explains how she overcame difficulties early in her first year. She admits that she didn't go to enough pub nights despite Adam's advice. Adam shares a first year regret. Kali explains her approach heading into 2L.
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Tell us about your 1L regrets.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Wednesday May 13, 2020
46. What IS a 1L? - Reflecting on First Year
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Sabah Kalim, who recently finished 1L at Osgoode Hall Law School. Adam asks about Ride or Dies before rambling on about law school relationships. Sabah reflects on her first year experience. She talks about experiencing guilt and uncertainty. Adam claims he had a mental breakdown in 1L.
Sabah loves school, Adam is shocked. Adam puts her on the spot about Grad School. Adam and Sabah share their experience with Isolation curing COVID-19 while finishing the easiest and hardest years (respectively) of law school.
Sabah chooses her favourite podcast host. Richard tips the scales. The group talks about the difficulty of taking advice as a 1L.
Required Readings:
None. Welcome to Season 4!
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. The lack of voicemails seems to indicate no one reads this far.
Music Attribution:
What's Love Got to Do with It (Symphonic Version)
by Tina Turner
Buy now: https://VA.lnk.to/80sSymphonic

Friday May 01, 2020
45. S'all Good (0L) Man - Predicting the Law School Experience
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Denis Keimakh, returning guest and future law school attendee (0L). Adam tries out the hand guns before psychoanalyzing Denis. Denis, having never attended law school, is asked to describe various aspects of the experience:
What is a typical day like?
What is the exam period like?
What is on a law exam?
What happens at law school social events?
What do you bring into an exam?
At first, Adam grades him a B+ on his answers. The group discusses the Socratic method, and other approaches to teaching law. On reflection, Adam considers giving an A. Richard gives exam advice about open book exams. Denis talks about school tours and how he is approaching his choice of what law school to go to. Adam talks about bang for your buck.
Required Readings:
Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, John Ruscio, Barry Beyerstein, "50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions About Human Behavior"
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Tell us what you bring into an exam.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "Sam Tanner" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuCmgghQ6MA
"Cold Sober"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Thursday Apr 23, 2020
44. The Mythical 0L - Razorblading One's Way to Success
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Thursday Apr 23, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Denis Keimakh, future law school attendee, better known as a 0L law student. Richard forgets his role on the podcast.
Denis shares why he decided to apply to law school. Adam says criminal law is the only interesting part of criminal law. Adam asks if the podcast has left any questions unanswered. Richard is suspiciously familiar with "razor-blading textbooks". Writing the LSAT electronically. Denis talks about touring Osgoode and attending Mock Trial (variety show). What is law school really like? The group discusses the diversity of backgrounds at law school; both serious and relaxed. Adam talks about regrets from 1L.
Adam asks Denis what advice he would give himself at the beginning of the process to getting to law school.
7sage LSAT Prep FREE youtube videos.
Required Readings:
Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, John Ruscio, Barry Beyerstein, "50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions About Human Behavior"
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Tell us about your favourite composer?
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "Sam Tanner" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuCmgghQ6MA
"Cold Sober"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
43. Well-Programmed AI - Professors are People Too
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Dan Priel, Associate Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School. Danny, as his friends refer to him, taught Adam Torts and teaches a variety of courses at Osgoode. The group discusses this unlikely hypothesis raised by Richard: Professors are people too. Adam doesn't believe it.
Danny explains that students only see professors during their "performance", particularly early on. Adam talks about the shock and awe of sitting in Danny and Richard's classes on his first day. An unexpected question arises: Have you ever been hurt my students? Luckily, neither prof. has been assaulted but both share difficult moments in their teaching careers. What impact does attire have on the perceptions of professors. Can they wear a toga to teach? Adam interrogates his professors on the grading process, and much is revealed! Other topics include prep time for teaching and Danny's dream propositions for future seminars focused on Curb Your Enthusiasm and musical appreciation.
Required Readings:
Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, John Ruscio, Barry Beyerstein, "50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions About Human Behavior"
"Curb Your Enthusiasm & the Law" Seminar Readings:
Curb Your Enthusiasm (Series 2, Episode 3) - 7 October, 2001
Music Appreciation Class Listenings:
Gustav Mahler
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Tell us about your favourite composer?
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "Sam Tanner" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuCmgghQ6MA
"Cold Sober"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Friday Mar 27, 2020
42. A Stoic Gaze into the Pandemic
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by NOBODY in this special episode of WLG2DWI. Speaking over ZOOm video conferencing, the duo discuss the prospect of dealing with barriers to law school outside of their control. They discuss how students can overcome these challenges. Richard and Adam talk about their own isolation. Professor Haigh thinks that students may have more time but he is completely insensitive to those who are struggling with the crisis. Adam says stay social and work out for God's sake.
Required Readings:
The Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday
Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Frankl
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhogg
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Please share with us your experience with the pandemic and law school.
Music Attribution:
"Cold Sober"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Friday Mar 20, 2020
41. How Are You? A "Real" International Student
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Baiqing Luo a second-year student at Osgoode Hall Law School and a "true International student" from China. Baiqing shares her experience tackling law school in a foreign land. Richard and Adam interrogate Baiqing on her experience writing the LSAT in Hong Kong while working full-time and on her arrival in Canada for her first day of law school.
Baiqing explains that she moved to Canada for the weather! Adam admits he has never been to the 4 seasons. She admits that the Canadian question "how are you?" is perplexing before reviewing Canadian Friendliness. You might be surprised by her rating! Baiqing also shares some experiences unique to Canada and answers some questions about her future residence.
Required Readings:
None! Prep for that LSAT!
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Are you an international student? Let us know.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "Sam Tanner" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuCmgghQ6MA

Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
40. On Resilience & How to Kill a Mocking Bird
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Simran Singh, a second year law student at Osgoode Hall Law School and returning guest to the show. No one knows what the readings are. Richard admits that he has watched Training Day, Adam doubts Denzel again. Simran picks a favourite movie that he has never seen. This week's topic: Perseverance. Simran discusses a couple setbacks he persevered through. He shares how he overcame falling behind in 1L. Adam changes his whole perspective on law school. Richard tries to name the podcast.
The group agrees that the challenge of law school is something that should be embraced.
Required Readings:
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Tell us about your special struggle.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
39. Spoiler Alert - Alternative Approaches to Law Jobs
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Richard and Adam are joined by Jennah Khaled and Patrick McCaugherty second-year students at Osgoode Hall Law School and returning guests to the show. The group continues their discussion of Research Assistantships and moves into the common topic of creativity. Jennah disparages a number of professions. Richard gets defensive about a reflective journal assignment. When should one try to be creative in law school? When should one refrain?
Adam claims that beggars cannot be choosers when it comes to law jobs. Jennah discusses a love for fiction that doesn't mesh with law school at times. She proposes that legal analysis tends to leave behind the human facts underlying the cases. Patrick comments on thinking outside of the box in order to achieve career goals and not falling into the traditional job traps. How do we think strategically in creative ways? Richard talks about "deemed Mondays".
Required Listenings:
PODCAST: Amicus With Dahlia Lithwick - Law, Justice, and the Courts - https://open.spotify.com/show/7DpL32jgjwBTah8o9HQkBl?si=qhZEGntTSL2cFWealGkJGw
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Give us your best impression of a Monday on a Friday.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "Sam Tanner" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuCmgghQ6MA