
Sunday May 05, 2019
18. UofT and Osgoode - A Lannister Meets the Starks
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Sara Tatelman, a second-year law student at the University of Toronto Law School and former free-lance writer. Much banter ensues this week as the three discuss narrative in advocacy, inappropriate courtroom/law school attire, and intense pension packages. Sara compares law school to high-school. Richard and Sara talk about how handwriting notes in class instead of using laptops can make a difference for focus. Also, the internet is all-dressed chips.
Required Readings:
The Bible?
The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload - Daniel J. Levitin
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Please no voicemails from Ryerson.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Monday Mar 04, 2019
17. Do Something That Scares You
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Sean Robichaud, a practicing criminal lawyer and the host of the popular legal podcast "Of Counsel". Adam, Richard and Sean opine on experiential learning in law school. Richard reveals the time he went head to head with another Dalhousie student in his Criminal Intensive Program. Sean shares his experiences with a legal aid program at Queen's Law School.
Sean answers his own classic question, offering insight into what his "primetime" commercial about law would be.
Required Listening:
"Of Counsel" Podcast - https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/of-counsel/id1335199607?mt=2
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Please do not ask Adam difficult questions on the spot.
AUDIO NOTE: Due to issues with audio source files, Adam was unable to fix some significant "echo" in this episode. He wishes to apologize to your ears.
Music Attribution:
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
16. From the Grave - Myths Revisited ... Again
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Ayah Sharari, returning guest and 2L student at Osgoode. They head back to their roots and discuss more law school "myths", such as:
"Students who have relatives who are lawyers have an advantage"
"Students who ask the most questions and speak the most in class do the best"
"There are certain courses I must take to pass the Bar Admission course"
Adam tells about the unfortunate time he whistled to get a professor's attention. Ayah and Richard share their favourite student hypotheticals. Ayah manages to bring the conversation to the 2003 hit single "Crazy Frog".
Required Readings:
The Law School Book: Succeeding at Law School by Allan C. Hutchinson
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Ask the question that you appropriately held back in class.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Monday Feb 18, 2019
15. Keep Your Eye on the Island
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Shakaira John, a recent Osgoode Hall Law School graduate. She’s currently a 2nd year associate at Aird & Berlis Law Firm. Richard and Adam take the podcast on the road, recording from a boardroom overlooking Toronto Island.
Shak outlines her long-game plans to become an islander, while Adam finds out that Toronto has an island. Richard confesses that he is guilty of bringing his own work home with him. The group discusses how to distance themselves from the stressors of a life in law.
Required Readings:
None. This episode was recorded over Christmas break! Thank god.
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Our resident "Hick from the North" will offer his worldly insights.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
14. You've Changed! - Law School Then and Now
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Professor David Lepofsky, a visiting professor at Osgoode Hall Law School as they discuss the differences between law school in the 70's/80's and today.
David talks about his unique experience as a blind law student in the low-tech law schools of the past. Richard discusses how laptops have changed the law school class dynamic. Adam promises that he really does read for class. Finally, David lets us know that there has never been a better time for law students to do amazing things in their time at law school.
Required Readings:
Twitter: @davidlepofsky
(For all the news about accessibility issues and advocacy here in Ontario and elsewhere around the world.)
Open justice: The constitutional right to attend and speak about criminal proceedings - by David Lepofsky
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. If you read this far, you could have called by now.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
13. Mock Trial - It's Purely Educational
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Osgoode student and Mock Trial King Pin Elisa Nicole as they discuss all things Mock Trial. Is it a coincidence that there are so many artistic people in law school? Probably, but Elisa gets everyone hyped about the upcoming show on February 13th and 14th, 2019.
Contact Elisa Nicole to pick up your tickets, but do it quickly because they may have sold out. Adam promises to attend… but does he even have a ticket yet?
Required Readings:
Creativity in Law School Monograph Series - (Does this actually exist?).
Watch: Real Lawyer Reacts to Suits
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Tell us what you thought about this year's mock trial.
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Monday Jan 28, 2019
12. Revisiting OCIs - Nowhere Near Campus Interviews
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Monday Jan 28, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by Kevin Dowse as they kick off season two by returning to the topic of OCIs. Adam is astonished to find out that he must venture off campus for his "On Campus Interview". Kevin calms everyone down. Richard discusses Law Firm Blaney McMurtry's comments on their move away from the OCI process.
Required Readings:
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. OCI employers consistently ask if you've left a voicemail to this show.
Music Attribution:
"Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It?"
Cover by "The Scissors" @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPoArsw1XXY

Sunday Jan 20, 2019
11. Season Wrap Up - We Decide When the Season is Over
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Sunday Jan 20, 2019
Richard and Adam are guest-less this episode as they reflect back on the first "season" of the podcast. They talk highlights and goals for the coming year.
Thinking about going to law school? We want to hear your questions and feedback for the show.
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Season two will be full of voicemails, you don't want to miss out.

Saturday Jan 19, 2019
10. PSA - Professors Can See You
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Saturday Jan 19, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by their first non-student guest, Professor Faisal Bhabha to talk about law school from the teacher's perspective. Adam gets nervous as he is outnumbered by professors.
Faisal and Richard reveal that professors can, in fact, see students from their lofty position at the front of the room. Faisal shares the secret to catching some Zzz's in class. The lost art of the "Socratic method" is discussed as a valuable teaching tool when done right.
Required Readings:
A Student's Guide To Legal Analysis: Thinking Like a Lawyer by Patrick McFadden
Know Your Prof: Faisal Bhabha https://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/faculty-and-staff/bhabha-faisal/
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Ask a question before we call upon you.

Saturday Jan 12, 2019
9. 3Laxin' with the President
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Saturday Jan 12, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by 3L student and President of the Law Students Society of Ontario Heather Donkers. This episode dives into what its like to be a third year law student. Heather explains that despite the archetypical 3L chill, this has been her busiest year yet. Professor Haigh talks about a busy intensive program that stopped him from attending class. Adam gets fired up about lecture recordings.
Required Readings:
Law School Confidential: A Complete Guide to the Law School Experience: By Students, for Students by Robert Miller
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. I will play anything on the show.

Friday Jan 04, 2019
8. OCIs - Like Dating But Harder
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Friday Jan 04, 2019
Richard and Adam are joined by returning guest Nora Parker, a second year Osgoode Student as they the OCI process. It's harder than finding a hot date apparently.
Realizing half-way through the episode that they all steered clear of the OCI process, the "On Campus Interview" process is discussed and critiqued. Adam explains why he doesn't like dinners as part of the hiring process. Richard turns Adam and Nora against each other as they battle for a fictitious job in a simulated OCI.
Required Readings:
Kirsten McMahon, "OCI Survival Guide" Canadian Lawyer Magazine.
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. If you call, you will be granted one wish by the deity of employment and opportunity (he's a busy guy, act now).
Music Attribution:
"Local Forecast - Elevator", "Somewhere Sunny"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Saturday Nov 17, 2018
7. 2L - They Work You to Death
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Saturday Nov 17, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined by Ayah Sharari to talk about the 2nd worst (best?) part of law school: 2L. Second year is the year in which "they work you to death" according to Robert Miller's Law School Confidential. The trio discusses their unique 2L experiences.
Ayah and Adam talk about the first time they cried at law school. Professor Richard Haigh talks about the difference between teaching first and second year students. This episode is a must listen for the 1L's out there wondering if they'll ever fit in at law school.
Required Readings:
Law School Confidential: A Complete Guide to the Law School Experience: By Students, for Students by Robert Miller
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. If Adam doesn't get your voicemail soon, he's going to start calling in himself.

Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
6. Coffee Cravings
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined by returning guests Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw and Paul Guglielmo to wrap up our discussion of law school myths from the first chapter of Hutch's "Law School Book". Lil helps us tackle the myth that law school grades are notoriously low. Paul then gives his take on the myth that pre-law courses give students an advantage.
Lil tells a heartbreaking story about coffee. Paul agrees and disagrees with Professor Hutchinson at the same time. Adam agrees with him, and finally grasps what a myth is.
Required Readings:
The Law School Book: Succeeding at Law School by Allan C. Hutchinson
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Leave your name, we will be more than happy to mispronounce it.
Creative Commons Music:
"At Rest"
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Saturday Oct 20, 2018
5. Do Your Best, Forget The Rest!
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Saturday Oct 20, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined by Nora Parker, a second year Osgoode Student as they discuss "law school reductionism/exceptionalism". Is law school special? Are law students the "select few"?
We discuss Scott Turow's idea of "Meeting My Enemy" in the early days of first year. We talk about talking in class, tribalism, and alternatives to the current law school approach to grades. Nora tells us about her friend who has achieved law school nirvana and hasn't checked his grades at all.
Required Readings:
One L: The Turbulent True Story of a First Year at Harvard Law School, Scott Turow. Chapter 1.
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Just call and tell us your grades.
Transcript of this Episode Available HERE

Saturday Oct 13, 2018
4. The Supreme Court of Film
Saturday Oct 13, 2018
Saturday Oct 13, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined by Michael McNeely, a second year Osgoode Student and deaf-blind advocate as they discuss free time at law school. What is it? Does it even exist?
Michael and Richard talk about film and the TIFF. We discuss our attempts at marrying free-time with the workload of law school. We find out what happened in 12 Angry Men, and the Supreme Court of Film renders its first judgement.
Required Readings:
Watch "12 Angry Men", 1957 Film.
See Michael McNeely's activism regarding accessibility in film.
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. Just yell 10 numbers at Siri and you are there.
Transcript for this Episode Available HERE

Friday Oct 05, 2018
3. K to JD
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Friday Oct 05, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined by Paul Guglielmo, a second year Osgoode Student as they discuss first impressions in law school. Faculty Assistant Zoë Alexandra also joins the show briefly to share some parting words.
We discuss the intimidation felt by first year law students who find themselves surrounded by accomplished individuals and young "K to JD" students. Richard shares a story about a student in his cohort who made a terrible first impression.
Required Readings:
None. Time to catch up on last week's readings!
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. If you call today, you will be the first one… its hard to be the first at anything nowadays, but you could be the one.
Transcript for this Episode Available HERE

Friday Sep 28, 2018
2. Upscale Space Lawyer #2
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined again by Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw, a former Osgoode Student as they take on two more law school "myths". This week it's the idea that "I want to become a Criminal Lawyer/Litigator" and that "law school is all theory and no practice".
We end up talking about what led us all to be interested in Criminal law at one point or another. Lil shares her story of when she was an extra on the popular TV show "Suits" and how she once dreamt of becoming a space lawyer.
Required Readings:
The Law School Book: Succeeding at Law School by Allan C. Hutchinson
Call 681-443-7763 and leave a voicemail. No really, call the number.
Transcript of this Episode Available HERE

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
1. What's a Myth?
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Richard and Adam are joined by a graduate of Osgoode Hall Law School, Lillianne Cadieux-Shaw as they tackle such law school "myths" as:
"Law school is difficult"
"Law school grades are notoriously low"
"Law professors are a bunch of prima donnas"
"A law degree is a meal ticket for life"
Adam tries to figure out what exactly a myth is. Lil tells a hilarious story about her first day in torts class.
Required Readings:
The Law School Book: Succeeding at Law School by Allan C. Hutchinson
Getting to Maybe: How to Excel on Law School Exams by Richard Michael Fischl
Transcript of this Episode Available HERE